Monday, November 4, 2013

First the Army, and Now the Navy!

Dear Representative of We the People:
Our Military has been fighting Islamic jihadists in the Middle East for over ten years.  Our Military was originally sent in response to the 9/11 terrorist attack and were tasked with defeating the faction of the Muslim Brotherhood’s global jihad which facilitated the 9/11 attack, al Qaeda.  Because our Military was being sent to an Islamic country, they were in conflict with Shariah law.  Islamic doctrine is a supremacist ideology consisting of the Qur’an (dictated by Mohamad 600 years after Jesus), the Sunnah which interprets the Quran (Mohammad’s example via his biography and written sayings/actions), and enforced by Shariah law.  Under Shariah law, for example, causing “mischief” (i.e., challenging anything Islamic) is punishable by crucifixion or cutting off hands and feet on opposite sides (See Sura 5:33, via fatwah (legal edicts handed out to the ummah - ALL Muslims - in the mosques). 
Because the mandatory legal and cultural nature of Islam was not understood or was ignored by our Government, suicidal rules of engagement severely restricted our Military from returning fire or taking the offensive, pretending that the average Muslim is not required to enforce Shariah law (when possible) or to support jihad financially, passively, or violently.  Our Military was also indoctrinated with a false narrative of Islam as a “peaceful” religion which parallels Christianity but whose adherents are more devout in their observance than Christians and that, even though Mohammad founded Islam in the Seventh Century A.D., that it dates back to Abraham.  The dissonance between the false narrative and the reality of Muslim society (e.g., even children passively allowing IED killing of our Military, Muslim families hiding jihadists and facilitating jihad from their homes and businesses - human shields against Navy bombing, “non-combatants” taking up arms, etc., etc., etc.) has contributed to the stress and trauma of our Military.  The combination of severely restricted rules of engagement and a false narrative regarding Islam and Islamic society reduced our Army (and supporting Navy) troops to basically suicidal “patrols” wherein they were forced to drive around and around like ducks at a carnival shooting gallery, being picked off year after year after year by global jihadists.  It reduced our sailors to helplessly watching but not taking action to protect our troops on the ground.
Upon finally returning from long stints in such impossible and traumatic situations, our Military is now being indoctrinated that Christians and patriotic citizens protecting their constitutional rights are extremists on the same level as the devout adherents of the real Islam (the Qur’an and Sunnah is there to be read, keeping in mind Mohammad said jihad abrogates earlier doctrine), just like the jihadists they were fighting for so long.  Our Military is being trained that mainstream groups such as the Tea Party and evangelical Christians are as criminal as Islamic jihadists.  Our troops were first indoctrinated to revere Islam and are now being indoctrinated to despise and shun Christians and patriotic U.S. citizens!  (See AND

The aforementioned treasonous actions are aiding the goal of global jihad to impose Shariah law worldwide, which subjugates non-Muslims, and the Masonic New World Order/Communist goal of reducing all societies to manageable, uniform masses to be exploited.  Our Military is being trained to oppress and despise their own countrymen.  Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin and other tyrants did the same before their violent takeovers.  As representatives of We the People, you are our voice and line of defense in this matter.  We need your protective action beyond political chest-beating.  Strike down by legislation all Executive Orders and actions, statutes and agency regulations, including Military regulations, being used to turn our troops into unconstitutional enforcers of Shariah law and NWO ambitions!