Saturday, March 31, 2018

Currency War

WE the People are in danger.  Let's write to Congress! (
Dear Representative/Senator/President Trump:
The coming United States currency collapse is eminent.  Most of our United States debt is to the Federal Reserve (See President Reagan's audit of the national debt) as interest on our own money.  These "Federal Reserve Notes" are not backed by gold, but by speculation, by nothing.  During the housing bubble collapse, our enemies bought up large sections of the United States.   Muslim princes, Chinese government-owned companies and Russian companies are on record buying up foreclosures en mass.  President Obama gave our interest in our natural gas reserves - Our energy independence - to China to cover part of United State's debt that China owes.  When the currency collapses to make way for the New World Order's declared one-world currency, the United States will no longer be owned by WE the People, but bought up by our enemies.  We will be an "international" country. 
Yet, as with any temporary (Hudna agreement in Islam) Alliance of macho allies, once we collapse the fight for dominance and control of the NWO's one world government will then ensue.  Who will control this one-world government with its one-world currency?  To change the money standard from U.S. currency (Originally gold standard, now backed by nothing) to platinum is the next step in the Muslim Brotherhood's global jihad Plan.  Russia and South Africa are the biggest miners of platinum.  Russia, China and (Muslim) Arab princes hold the most financial stake in Platinum.  If OPEC (Lead by Saudia Arabia) were to simply decide to only trade in currency backed by platinum, Russian currency would become the world's currency.  This would give Russia the major world power, but with Muslim states heavily invested.  As mentioned above, President Obama (Acting caliphate) gave China the interest in our natural gas as an appeasement.  The President also has a platinum option with OPEC.  
Once platinum is the world's currency, the plunder of the United States would be overt and ruthless.  Jihad cells would wreak havoc stealing platinum from our cars, from our power plants, from our manufacturing plants, etc.  Not only would our money be worthless - Unless we can somehow instantly become independent instead of global - but a planned chaos would reign.  Liberal useful idiots (To the NWO takeover) would riot in the streets, looting and wreaking havoc, all the while screaming for a police state.  Russian and Chinese troops, who were invited in by President Obama for joint training sessions in our National Parks, will offer their assistance to enforce a police state.  

In response to Russia's attempts to change the world currency to a platinum-based currency, China has changed their currency to a gold-backed currency.  This puts the United States in a precarious position as the gold reserves of the United States have been plundered.  The vault is empty (Is it now in China?).  In addition, most of our national debt is owed to the Federal Reserve as interest on our own currency.  This at a time when two Communist, macho, independent countries (Russia and China) are resisting being engulfed by the New World Order's one-world government, and their governmental elites are having to be bribed with plunder of the world through currency dominance.  Will there be two world currencies, controlled by the two largest Communist countries?  They already "own" large sections of the United States.  Will the United States soon be no more?   
In the Book of Ester, when her people were set up for extermination, what halted the massacre?  The Almighty put Ester in place to ask for God's people to have the opportunity and means to pray, fast and stand up to evil and defend themselves.  Similarly, the Almighty has, against the diabolical plans of NWO elites, allowed an independent businessman to become our President.  Now is the time to pray, fast, and restore the protection of our God-given inherent human rights.  We need to reinstall the United Stated Constitution as the supreme law of the land and rescue our currency from the Federal Reserve Ponzi scheme and reinstall the gold and/or platinum-based currency and reserves.  

Please do your duty, live up to your oath of office to "preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution," and  restore the United States Constitution as the supreme law of the land by repealing/striking down via legislation any and all government agency regulations, Executive Orders, and laws in opposition to the United States Constitution.  Please demolish the Federal Reserve and restore our gold and/or platinum-based currency.  Please allow WE the People to use our God-given right to self-defense when attacked.  Give WE the People, as a whole and in our State sovereignty, the chance to resist and repel the NWO takeover and their one-world government, religion and currency.    

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Put the Government on notice!

Dear Governor/Representative/Senator/Public Official:

I am putting you and your agency on notice that I do NOT waive my God-given, inherent rights which are protected by the United States Constitution.  Especially, I do NOT waive my Fourth Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures by the Government, their agents, contractors, etc., without probable cause and under compulsion (i.e., traffic cameras, smart meters, smart appliance, Wi-Fi, cell phone hacking, etc.) and any use of such tainted evidence against me in any governmental proceeding.

In addition, as every legitimate public official is required by the United States Constitution to take an oath of office to "…preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States," I am putting all public officials on notice that I will NOT waive my right to sue personally any and all public officials when they act against their oath of office and outside the scope of their legitimate office, and when such actions are done by their agents, staff, contractors, etc.

Under Miranda v. Arizona, the Fifth Amendment which protects the right against being compelled "to be a witness against himself," and the Sixth Amendment which guarantees a criminal defendant the right to an attorney, I demand a competent attorney be present to represent me before any and all governmental interviews.

Be hereby put on notice.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Self Defense Without Hate - Educate Our Legislators

Most legislators are uneducated (Ignorant) regarding Islam.  Educate them:

The New World Order and their jihadi military will eventually be lead by the anti-Christ/Mahdi.  It will be enforced through Sharia law (See the original, un-sanitized book:  Reliance of the Traveller (sic)).  Sharia law enforces the principles of the Qur'an/Koran and Sunnah (Mohammad's sayings and actions).  Under Sharia law, non-Muslims have NO right to self-defense.  Under Sharia law, a Muslim can abuse, rob, rape and murder a non-Muslim with no prosecution, but if a non-Muslim abuses (even verbally), robs, rapes or murders a Muslim, that non-Muslim is to be put to death.  Since satan is the god of hate, and Mohammad's Allah is satan (One of his names in the Qur'an/Koran is "The Great Deceiver"), those at war to enforce Sharia law (jihadis) are to be hateful towards non-Muslims.  That is how jihadis become demonically possessed, which is how they can be so crazed and inhumane.  And, since the anti-Christ is called the "lawless one" in the Bible, and the Mahdi is said to come when Muslims cause enough chaos per the Qur'an/Koran, and since Sharia law claims global jurisdiction, it is the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood's global jihad to bring the chaos of jihad to the entire world.  They see the Mahdi as uniting the ummah (Muslim community of the world) and bringing the "peace" of Muslim dominance and privilege under Sharia. 
To prepare, we need to champion the right to self-defense without hate and to be prepared to declare "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  Joshua 24:15.  When the Mahdi is declared, then offensive jihad is called for in the Qor'an/Koran, there will be no more rationalization claiming victim status ("Oppressed" immigrants).  They will claim right to supremacy and retribution/vengeance.  They will claim the homes, wealth, and business (Jizya - infidel tax) of non-Muslims.  The legal system of Islam (Fatwas declared by imams in the mosques) will tell Muslims to violently take Jizya.  If there is no self-defense, no armed non-Muslims, no secular law being enforced, no clear understanding of the situation, then the conquest will be swift and quick.  Those who do not capitulate and become Muslim will simply be murdered.  The rich will pay jizya (Historically 50% of wealth ANNUALLY until the wealth is gone), and when they have no wealth left, then they will convert or be killed.  Of course, they will also have the option of being a slave to the NWO.   
So, in the end, the Plan is to conquer, kill those who resist, and the rest will be slaves to the Muslims and the NWO.  Of course, there will be fighting between the global jihad and the NWO elites over who is dominant.  May they kill each other off, but until then they are united against us.  Don't be fooled into thinking Islam can be "reformed."  It is a closed system and apostates are to be murdered.  There are three stages of jihad:  1.  When a minority:  Be like Mohammad in Mecca and be covert, bidding your time and being "peaceful" (Taysir - lifting of Sharia).  2.  When becoming strong in numbers and placement:  Declare oppression and victim status and the right to Islamic culture, including self-rule through Sharia law.  3.  When strong:  Declare the area for Islam and enforce Sharia law upon Muslima AND non-Muslims.  Remember, Islam means submission.  

Jihad Crime Legislation - Make America Free Again

Dear President Trump:

President Obama was a Muslim Trojan horse, the acting caliphate using U.S. money, might and technology to facilitate the Muslim Brotherhood's global jihad.  Domestically, he paved the way for enforcement of Sharia law.  He eliminated the criminal intent of jihad in the U.S.  In the U.S., without criminal intent you don't have a crime.  So, Obama eliminated even the words "Jihad" and "Muslim" and "Islam" from the investigation of jihad crimes.  As such, jihad could not be investigated or prosecuted as a crime.  The jihadist merely has to claim he "accidentally" ran over his daughter in an honor killing.  He "accidentally" shot/stabbed/poisoned the non-Muslim.  If the police are not allowed to investigate the motivations for jihad, their hands are tied.  The motivations for jihad are:  To enforce Sharia law (Which enforces Islamic the principles of the Qur'an/Koran and Sunnah - read classical, un-sanitized Sharia in:  Reliance of the Traveller (sic)); to conquer, dominate, and oppress the non-Muslim; to kill apostates and those who proselytize Muslims; and to overcome the secular government and replace it with Sharia law.  These goals are in the Qur'an/Koran and Sunnah and historical.  Sharia law is enforced through Islam's legal system of fatwas given by Imams in the mosques for the ummah to enforce (i.e., mob rule).  Jihad is seditious to our government and sanctions hate crimes against non-Muslims.  But, if jihad cannot be investigated as jihad, it won't even be kept track of by the FBI, and the statistics will say there are no jihad crimes.  We have "gang crime" legislation.  If we are to have any chance of avoiding becoming a Muslim country ruled by Sharia law, you needs to pass "jihad crime" legislation and make America free again.

Thank you,

Monday, March 27, 2017

NWO Takeover

Let's write to Congress before it's too late.  (

Dear Senator/Representative/President Trump:

The United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, is set up to protect inherent God-given (Not government-given) individual rights including life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom from government tyranny, intrusion, surveillance and confiscation without proving probable cause, due process, etc.  The New World Order ("NWO") is meant to replace the "old world order" of Christianity, of morality and ethics, God-given individual rights and dignity.  The NWO is based on mammon, on money as the only and ultimate bottom line, and human worth is seen only from a person's ability to generate money.  The NWO being facilitated through the United Nation's Agenda 21 plan (See is a system wherein human beings are reduced to "economic units."  Under this Marxist-style regime, a person's worth – and thus entitlement to all benefits/privileges controlled by the government – is wholly dependent upon how much that person contributes to the government via taxes and to the global economy.

This NWO calls for one worldwide government, one worldwide currency, one worldwide economy, and one worldwide religion which takes bits and pieces from all known religions.  The NWO will be the synthesis of all the cults and organizations which have world domination goals.  The Muslim Brotherhood's global jihad (It's factions being Al Quada, Isis, etc., etc., etc.) seek to rule world through Sharia law, which enforces Islamic principles in the Qur'an and Sunnah, such as Muslim privilege and superiority.  The Mormon church seeks to have a Mormon President and make the United States a Mormon-friendly society.  The luciferians seek personal power and authority over the masses through spiritual bondage.  Communism/Socialism/Marxism seeks to control the word's finances.  Freemasonry seeks to rule the infrastructures of society.  The NWO would unite these and other groups in world domination under one inclusive system.  No longer would there be nations, states, societies, cities, villages, and individual families.  There would be the worldwide government. Consisting of the governmental elites, the government enforcers and the slaves. 

To unite all the nations in this NWO, they must first be conquered, taken over, re‑established, re‑oriented.  Because the United States is a democratic republic, we have the rule of law with a foundation of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.  The NWO cannot merely be "voted in," as the NWO is in direct opposition to the United States Constitution.  For the NWO to non-violently take over the United States, the United States would have to be first:  Economically drained (e.g., by treaty such as NAFTA, TPPA); militarily picked off (e.g., a decade-long war); spiritually corrupted (e.g., rebellion against God making us male and female); legally compromised (e.g., unconstitutional governmental agency law); and suppressed by law enforcement (See until the United States Constitution became moot. 

How would the United States Constitution become moot as the basic legal authority?  The Constitution is simply gone around, bypassed, loop holed until it is irrelevant.  The President takes his pen and makes himself king through Executive Orders and gives himself czars as heads of Federal Government agencies and judges who answer only to the President (e.g., Homeland Security.  See  Federal governmental agencies make unconstitutional agency law.  Federal governmental agencies arm themselves to enforce unconstitutional agency law (e.g., stockpiling ammunition).  Judge czars make laws to change societal orientation in separate, independent court systems (e.g., Veteran's courts).  The President sends his czars to sign global treaties handing over our constitutional rights (e.g., Secretary of State John Kerry signing the Small Arms Treaty).  The people are presumed too busy with their idols of sports and entertainment and sex and drugs and are too uneducated to stand up for their own God‑given rights.  Then, false flags are raised (e.g., race wars and terrorist attacks), and the United Nations, Russian, and Chinese troops are invited in to keep the "peace" and, the United States Constitution is moot. 

Of course, part of the infrastructure for trivializing the United States Constitution is already in place.  Constitutional law has been replaced with unconstitutional governmental agency law.  For example, the workers' compensation system was recently modified to be more in line with the NWO.  The workers' compensation system does not follow U.S. personal injury law, such as the doctrine that pain and suffering is compensable.  The workers' compensation system covers workers even when they are working here illegally and perhaps not even paying into the system.  The workers' compensation is a closed system, separate from and the future of American Jurisprudence.

Workers' compensation is a governmental program which was written by and is run by insurance companies for the benefit of insurance companies in order to require premiums, limit payouts, and protect profits.  The insurance companies which facilitate workers' compensation are, in effect, granted governmental status and power and protections.  Indeed, the (Independent) workers' compensation courts are even called Workers' Compensation Appeals Boards.  Appeals from what?  The insurance companies' determinations.  To begin with, insurance companies control the medical care from the onset, a clear conflict of interest, deciding which treatment is authorized, which doctors are used, controlling how much those doctors are paid, deposing them or dropping them when they give unfavorable (to the insurance companies) medical reports, etc.  Those doctors who continually oppose coercion from insurance companies are brought up on charges alleging defrauding the workers' compensation system for "unnecessary and unreasonable" medical treatment.  There is no physician accountability, except to the insurance company, and no second opinions or oversight outside the system are allowed. 

Workers' compensation was initially billed as protecting the economy by helping businesses take care of workers injured on the job.  However, it is in actuality a Communist/Marxist system whereby the "human" factors such as pain and suffering, psychological injury, disturbed sleep, loss of consortium, etc., are not compensable.  Whereby treatment is capped at 104 weeks, regardless of the type of injury and individual constitutional differences.  Whereby apportionment to "pre-existing" conditions such as age and any other illness and old injuries or old (settled) workers' compensation claims preclude new injuries from being reasonably compensated, and new injuries can be attributed to past injuries/conditions.  Whereby so may technicalities are built into the system that the insurance company is more protected than the injured worker.  For example, an unfavorable doctor's report being deemed a lack of substantial medical evidence because a minor detail was not addressed.  Whereby the American Medical Association (AMA) Guides dictate unreasonable and minimal standards of disability such as reduced shoulder range of motion and grip strength deemed not related.  Whereby "permanent disability" for a permanent injury causing permanent impairment is merely a capped amount of weeks of a reduced rate of wage.  It is doled out weekly and then deducted from any preset by percentage settlement sums.  Thus, there is no real calculation for how a permanent injury effects a person's future.  Whereby the insurance company goal is a "compromise and release" wherein the injured worker is given a little bit of money in lieu of all future medical care and compensation for compensable consequences (Such as worsening conditions), and the worker "voluntarily resigns" if they want a timely settlement.  Whereby benefits can be withheld for 3 months for "investigation" which gives more leverage to settle a claim where the injured worker cannot work because of work-related injuries, so either bills pile up, or the worker is denied medical treatment, and the person becomes indigent.  Whereby attorneys can only take attorney's fees of 15 percent (Instead of the personal injury contingency or 33 percent), which is in accord with the mandated lower settlements, but it means that workers' compensation attorneys are those willing to make half what other attorneys make.  Therefore, workers' compensation attorneys are pressured to accept low/minimal (Declared "reasonable" by the insurance companies) settlements and are unwilling to fight the insurance company lawyers.  Whereby most settlements require a "voluntary resignation.  In summary, the workers' compensation system is a system in which a worker is used up, injured, given a pittance, and thrown away.  Workers are merely cogs in the wheel, worker slaves

Similarly, in federal Obamacare, the human person is legally defined as an "economic unit," and administrative panels decide medical treatment based on economic potential.  Thus, the medical treatment given depends on the economic unit's ability to earn money.  For example, the Social Security retirement age has been increased to age 75 which corresponds to Obamacare's mandate that those over age 75 will ONLY receive "comfort care."  That means those over 75, because they are not considered able to work, will only receive pain medication, not surgery, not therapy, not medical care.  Eventually, there will be a mandate for euthanasia.  Another aspect of Obamacare is that illegal aliens and "those whose religion prohibits usury" (Islam) cannot be denied healthcare, yet those two groups are exempt from paying for Obamacare.  It is there to be seen in the Obamacare Act (See 

In the meantime, children of the NWO will be conditioned by Common Core (See to serve the government and global companies.  For example, under Common Core, children are not taught conventional math, but conditioned to accept the values placed on any object or intangible or math formula by the system.  Even in the very basic kindergarten Common Core math books, counting is not the main focus so much as how one commodity (e.g., one slice of pizza) is deemed worth more than another (e.g., one apple).  Children are not taught basic math formulas in Common Core, but are given bogus and round-about ways of calculating, and it is the means rather than the end result (i.e., the right answer) that is stressed as important.  Individuality and independent thinking is not fostered under Common Core conditioning and such subjects as art and creative writing are banished.  Under Common Core, the curriculum is based on what the global economy needs at the time.  So, for example, computer skills are highly valued in some industries, so those showing an aptitude for such work are ear marked early and put on the fast track, while others are conditioned to be drone slaves and relatively ignored.  This global system has been imposed upon us by Federal Government overreach, as the United States Constitution vests education to the States. 

Such insidious NWO infrastructure has been built up to replace the United States Constitution by the very people whose oath of office was meant to prevent such treason: Legislators, judges, even presidents.   We the People, the simple majority of which are still Christian, started to wake up to the boiling water and voted in the opposition.  We are looking to you for action.  Live up to your oath of office to "PRESERVE, protect, and defend the United States Constitution" and impeach and prosecute traitors in office and restore the United States Constitution as the supreme law of the land by repealing/striking down, via legislation, any and all government agency regulations, Executive Orders, and laws in opposition to the United States Constitution.  Now.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Platinum Currency

WE the People are in danger.  Let's write to Congress! (

Dear Representative/Senator/President Trump:

The coming United States currency collapse is eminent.  Most of our United States debt is to the Federal Reserve (See President Reagan's audit of the national debt) as interest on our own money.  These "Federal Reserve Notes" are not backed by gold, but by speculation, by nothing.  During the housing bubble collapse, our enemies bought up large sections of the United States.  Muslim princes, Chinese government-owned companies and Russian companies are on record buying up foreclosures en mass.  President Obama gave our interest in our natural gas reserves - Our energy independence - to China to cover part of United States' debt that China owns.  When U.S. currency collapses to make way for the New World Order's declared one-world currency, the United States will no longer be owned by WE the People, but bought up by our enemies.  We will be an "international" country.

Yet, as with any temporary (Called hudna agreement in Islam) alliance of macho allies, once the U.S. collapses the fight for dominance and control of the NWO's one world government will then ensue.  Who will control this one-world government with its one-world currency?  Follow the money.  To change the money standard from U.S. currency (Again, originally gold standard, now backed by nothing) to platinum/palladium is the next step in the Muslim Brotherhood's global jihad Plan.  Platinum and palladium are both used in car manufacturing to curb greenhouse gases (Even more so with new carbon tax considerations).  Platinum is also used in the electricity industry and in manufacturing.  Russia and South Africa are the biggest miners of platinum.  Russia, China and (Muslim) Arab princes hold the most financial stake in Platinum.  If OPEC (Lead by Saudi Arabia) were to simply decide to only trade in currency backed by platinum, Russian currency would become the world's currency.  This would give Russia the major world power, but with Muslim states heavily invested.  As mentioned above, President Obama (Acting caliphate) GAVE China the interest in our natural gas as collateral for our debt, and thereby insuring our dependence on foreign oil (Russia's reserves included).  President Obama also has a platinum option with OPEC. 

Once platinum is the world's currency, the plunder of the United States would be overt and ruthless.  Jihad cells would wreak havoc stealing platinum from our cars, from our power plants, from our manufacturing plants, etc.  Not only would our money be worthless - Unless we can somehow instantly become independent instead of global - but a planned chaos would reign.  Liberal useful idiots (To the NWO takeover) would riot in the streets, looting and wreaking havoc, all the while shrieking for a police state to control the chaos.  Russian and Chinese troops, who were invited in by President Obama for joint training sessions in our National Parks and military bases, will offer their assistance to enforce a police state. 

In the Bible's Book of Ester, when her people were set up for extermination, what halted the massacre?  The Almighty put Ester in place to obtain for God's people to have the opportunity and means to pray, fast and stand up to evil and defend themselves.  Similarly, the Almighty has, against the diabolical plans of NWO elites, allowed an independent businessman to become our President.  Now is the time to pray, fast, and restore the protection of our God-give inherent human rights before they are lost to global ambitions.  Please do your duty, live up to your oath of office to "preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution," and to restore the United States Constitution as the supreme law of the land by repealing/striking down via legislation any and all government agency regulations, Executive Orders, and laws in opposition to the United States Constitution.  Please prosecute those in our government who have been guilty of treason.  Allow WE the People to use our God-given right to self-defense when attacked.  Give WE the People, as individuals and in our State sovereignty, the liberty to resist and repel the NWO takeover.  It is your place. 

The information contained herein is there to be found, but here are a few related articles:

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Death of Justice Scalia

A United States Supreme Court Justice has died under suspicious circumstances, yet another "stand down" order has been given.  WE the People need to DEMAND that there be an investigation and accountability for foul play. 

Dear Attorney General of Texas/Representative/Senator:

A United States Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, has died under suspicious circumstances, yet another "stand down" order has been given.  Justice Scalia was separated from his usual security, taken to an isolated ranch in Texas, reportedly found with a pillow on his face, and yet there was no inquest into his death.  Indeed, Texas law regarding such deaths was completely ignored.  (See  Justice Scalia had been an outspoken and voting opponent of: Obamacare; completely porous borders; Obama's unconstitutional power grabs and "fundamental change" to Marxism; Planned Parenthood's unregulated practices; the money grab of carbon taxes; the trampling of the Constitution; etc., etc., etc.   Justice Scalia asked, "What can he [Obama] to do me?" (See  Now Justice Scalia is dead, and the governmental system broke down so completely that:  His death was not investigated; the cause of death was pronounced in absentia and without examination over the phone; no evidence was preserved; and, the body was quickly embalmed.  How do we know that he even died where he was found?  How long had he been dead?  WE the People demand that ALL government bodies and agencies and officials actually FOLLOW THE LAW!  WE the People demand that there be an inquest into Justice Scalia's death and a severe dissection into the lack of investigation into the death with resultant criminal accountability for those who did not follow the law in this instance, including those higher up and afterwards complicit.  Now is the time for accountability of government to the people, and WE are NOT asleep. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Obamacare has taken a few hits on its Socialist/Communist agenda of forcing abortions (first by mandatory funding, eventually via administrative "panel" decision) and the unborn are starting to be legally defined as constitutionally-protected persons.  Virginia and North Dakota and several other states have introduced or passed legislation to declare the unborn as persons protected under the Constitution.  We the People need to DEMAND that Congress pass a (federal) Life at Conception Act (See, which would define human life to be a legally-recognized person at conception and thus constitutionally-protected.  We also need to DEMAND that our State Representatives and Senators PASS (not just introduce) such legislation.
Let's write to Congress!  (

Dear Representative of We the People:

The decision in Roe vs. Wade, which permitted abortion, was founded on the reluctance to legally identify the unborn as persons protected by the Constitution of the United States.  The decision never declared the unborn were not persons, merely that the mother's preferences for her own body outweighed the claim to life of her legally-undefined unborn "fetus."  The decision framed the "choice" of pregnancy to be made after becoming pregnant instead of at the time of choosing to have sex, pregnancy being a foreseeable consequence.  The decision does not comprehensively control the legal rights of the unborn, and many criminal and civil laws and cases have prosecuted and compensated for the death of an unborn child.  The Roe vs. Wade decision has only been largely unchallenged and the legal status of the unborn undefined as to abortion. 

Recently, a decision by the Supreme Court of Alabama, Ankrom v. State, has ruled that the unborn are legally considered persons under the Constitution of the United States from the moment of conception.  Virginia, North Dakota and Alabama have passed legislation declaring that the right to life begins at conception.  We also need every state to pass such an act and federal legislation guaranteeing the constitutionally-protected right to life for the unborn.  If you needed a political reason, people are outraged at Planned Parenthood being exposed for selling aborted-baby body parts and now is a good time to pass a Life at Conception Act.  As a representative of We the People your cooperation in passing the Life at Conception Act is expected and appreciated.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Obamacare Takeover!

How could a Socialist, federally-mandated healthcare system like Obamacare have been accepted and implemented?  Obamacare had a precedent, a foundation to expand into full government control: the Workers' Compensation system.  Both systems need to be repealed and replaced with more constitutionally-acceptable alternatives.
Let's write to Congress! (

Dear Representative of WE the People:

Congress is responsible for voting in the treasonous travesty of Obamacare which enslaves citizens to a federally-mandated system of abortion and euthanasia.  You have enslaved us to a "healthcare" system run by Planned Parenthood - whose founder Margaret Sanger set up the organization to primarily get rid of Black babies (it's there to be found) - and administrative panels (aka death panels) who decide who is economically worthy of healthcare.  Obamacare also exempts Muslims (listed in the Act as those whose religion forbids insurance) and illegal aliens from having to pay, but prohibits them from being denied healthcare!  Such is in the Act for those who can read.  Those Congressmen/women who voted it in fall back on the excuse that the Workers' Compensation system set the precedent. 

Under the Workers' Compensation system (Labor Code), injured workers are prevented from civilly suing their employers when they are injured at work.  The rational was economic, to protect business interests from lawsuits by placing employee safety under the "protection" of the government.  When an injured worker seeks medical care for an injury, the doctor fills out the claim and the case (nightmare) begins.  The entire system is set upon saving money for the insurance companies, who are allowed to "object" to medical care.  Such objection does not have to prove medically-sound reasons, but merely technicalities written into the law to undermine the doctors' diagnosis, prescriptions and treatment plans in order to seek a cheaper way to go or not pay at all.  Injured workers who do not go to doctors who contract with the employer's insurance company have to pay the bills themselves and those doctors' reports are not admissible in the case.  The employer's insurance company is the "defendant" in Workers' Compensation claims, but in effect it is the injured worker who is treated like a criminal, a criminal who is presumed guilty of fraud and has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY that every bit of treatment is "necessary," "substantive medical evidence" and "reasonable."  Such treatment is subject to insurance-contracted doctor review.  When possible, the insurance company will merely deny the claim, either coercing the company/insurance-contracted doctors that the injury was "non-industrial" or coercing co-workers with nasty depositions and the threat of retaliatory firing/being laid off for corroboration with the injured worker.  When the insurance company decides they have paid enough, they can request a list of Workers' Compensation insurance-contracted doctors to evaluate the injured worker to demand a "permanent and stationary" or "maximum medical improvement" status and cut off benefits.  Those doctors who do not regularly give "conservative" (i.e., in favor of the insurance company's profit margin) reports are coerced by deposition and/or dropped from the system.   

In addition to the battle for every scrap of medical treatment an injured worker (and his/her attorney) must engage in, there is also the government's version of special damages.  Unlike tort cases wherein the injured party asks for reasonable damages under the situation, the Workers' Compensation system has a set schedule of compensation.  It is a "rating" of the percentage of disability, the preset amounts set by law and neither updated nor reasonable, and the rating based on a final reporting by the insurance-contracted doctor.  The attorneys dispute over the level of the rating, and it can be reviewed by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (as can every move by the insurance attorney - at the worker's expense).  Once a rating has been paid or if there has ever been a similar injury, any similar future injury or exacerbation is dismissed as it is "apportioned" to the old injury so that no new compensation has to be given.  It is also an industry standard practice that the lowest possible level of compensation is set by the insurance company, and insurance adjusters receive bonuses for how much lower they settle.  Insurance attorneys are also "audited" periodically and when they are not saving enough money for the insurance company, so they also seek to save money for the insurance company above all else or lose their lucrative insurance contracts. 

The Workers' Compensation system is set up more to save money for the insurance company than to treat and compensate injured workers.  Obamacare is set up in the same way, with little regard for the healthcare needs of the patient but instead with overwhelming regard for the federal government.  Obamacare makes it a crime punishable by a garnished tax-penalty to opt out (except with Christian health shares), and this without due process.  The Obamacare system makes healthcare decisions subject to review by administrators wherein patients are "economic units" (read the Act), the decision to withhold healthcare based on saving money and denying the inherent worth of the individual human being.  Both systems are Socialist/Communist/Marxists systems that treat the individual as simply just another cog in the wheel to be used and then thrown away.  Both systems deny the basic fundamentals of our government, that the individual has inherent, God-given (NOT government-given) rights to be respected by the government, that the federal government is to be severely limited, and that the government is to be by and for the People through their several states, not federally mandated!  Both the Workers' Compensation and the Patient Protections and Affordable Healthcare Act  (Obamacare) need to be repealed and replaced with more constitutionally-sound systems.  As a representative of the people and in accordance with your oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution, that is your job.  Do your job.                      

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Illegal Alien Invasion!

Most of us have heard the term "anchor baby," which refers to a woman illegally crossing our border and having a baby in the United States to claim the baby is a citizen so she and her family can remain in the United States.  In 2012, President Obama improved that strategy with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program wherein children of illegal aliens can receive free educational benefits, 2-year work permits and a fast-track to citizenship.  (See  Subsequently, Obama's allies in Congress, dubbed the "gang of eight," proposed an amnesty Bill which basically forgives, with little or no consequences ($1,000 fine at most), all Social Security fraud, all tax evasion, all identity theft, all personal responsibility for crimes committed by illegal aliens and again a fast-track to citizenship.  (See  This amnesty Bill passed the Democratic Senate and is on the way to the House of Representatives, who need to hear from us.  (See

Although the Supreme Court has held that illegal aliens are "persons" guaranteed due process and equal protection under the law by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment (See, per the Constitution only states can grant the right of such "persons within its jurisdiction" the right to vote.  New York has passed a law allowing illegal aliens to vote, but the Supreme Court struck down an Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote.  (See  Again, Congress needs to hear from WE the People on this issue. 

Now that the Obama Administration, the Democratic Senate and the Supreme Court have paved the way for illegal alien voters, the Obama Administration through the Department of Homeland Security -which, per Executive Order, answers directly to and only to the President - is bringing in the new "anchor babies" and their illegal alien families to vote in the Socialist/Communist/Marxist "fundamental change" that Obama promised.  (See  Illegal alien children and their mothers are pouring over the border from Central America, although that affiliation is not even being verified and they could be families of global jihadists!  The illegal aliens are surrendering to our Border Officials so that the Department of Homeland Security can bus them into United States Military bases before being released - on their own recognizance - into the population at large and to sign up for the DACA Program  (See above).  Therefore, there could potentially be millions of illegal alien voters (or a smoke screen for fraudulent vote counting by SCYTL/SOE Software, who support Obama's fundamental change to government (elites) being a god and total dependence on said government.  Let Congress ( hear from WE the People about that:

Dear Representative of We the People:

The Department of Homeland Security, which by Executive Order answers directly to and only to the President, is facilitating an invasion of illegal alien children and their parents.  DHS is busing them into United States Military bases and releasing them into the population at large on their own recognizance and to apply for fast-track citizenship under Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program, the new anchor baby system.  Congress has been silent about many acts of treason against our nation and of the constant trampling of our Constitution by the Obama Administration, but if this facilitated invasion does not spur you into swift and decisive action to STOP this invasion and prevent future invasions, repeal/strike down the DACA Program, vote AGAINST the Senate's Amnesty Bill, and impeach the Obama Administration, you will be in clear violation of your oath of office to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" and to your duty to represent the interests of THIS nation!  Do your job.