Saturday, July 19, 2014

Obamacare Takeover!

How could a Socialist, federally-mandated healthcare system like Obamacare have been accepted and implemented?  Obamacare had a precedent, a foundation to expand into full government control: the Workers' Compensation system.  Both systems need to be repealed and replaced with more constitutionally-acceptable alternatives.
Let's write to Congress! (

Dear Representative of WE the People:

Congress is responsible for voting in the treasonous travesty of Obamacare which enslaves citizens to a federally-mandated system of abortion and euthanasia.  You have enslaved us to a "healthcare" system run by Planned Parenthood - whose founder Margaret Sanger set up the organization to primarily get rid of Black babies (it's there to be found) - and administrative panels (aka death panels) who decide who is economically worthy of healthcare.  Obamacare also exempts Muslims (listed in the Act as those whose religion forbids insurance) and illegal aliens from having to pay, but prohibits them from being denied healthcare!  Such is in the Act for those who can read.  Those Congressmen/women who voted it in fall back on the excuse that the Workers' Compensation system set the precedent. 

Under the Workers' Compensation system (Labor Code), injured workers are prevented from civilly suing their employers when they are injured at work.  The rational was economic, to protect business interests from lawsuits by placing employee safety under the "protection" of the government.  When an injured worker seeks medical care for an injury, the doctor fills out the claim and the case (nightmare) begins.  The entire system is set upon saving money for the insurance companies, who are allowed to "object" to medical care.  Such objection does not have to prove medically-sound reasons, but merely technicalities written into the law to undermine the doctors' diagnosis, prescriptions and treatment plans in order to seek a cheaper way to go or not pay at all.  Injured workers who do not go to doctors who contract with the employer's insurance company have to pay the bills themselves and those doctors' reports are not admissible in the case.  The employer's insurance company is the "defendant" in Workers' Compensation claims, but in effect it is the injured worker who is treated like a criminal, a criminal who is presumed guilty of fraud and has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY that every bit of treatment is "necessary," "substantive medical evidence" and "reasonable."  Such treatment is subject to insurance-contracted doctor review.  When possible, the insurance company will merely deny the claim, either coercing the company/insurance-contracted doctors that the injury was "non-industrial" or coercing co-workers with nasty depositions and the threat of retaliatory firing/being laid off for corroboration with the injured worker.  When the insurance company decides they have paid enough, they can request a list of Workers' Compensation insurance-contracted doctors to evaluate the injured worker to demand a "permanent and stationary" or "maximum medical improvement" status and cut off benefits.  Those doctors who do not regularly give "conservative" (i.e., in favor of the insurance company's profit margin) reports are coerced by deposition and/or dropped from the system.   

In addition to the battle for every scrap of medical treatment an injured worker (and his/her attorney) must engage in, there is also the government's version of special damages.  Unlike tort cases wherein the injured party asks for reasonable damages under the situation, the Workers' Compensation system has a set schedule of compensation.  It is a "rating" of the percentage of disability, the preset amounts set by law and neither updated nor reasonable, and the rating based on a final reporting by the insurance-contracted doctor.  The attorneys dispute over the level of the rating, and it can be reviewed by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (as can every move by the insurance attorney - at the worker's expense).  Once a rating has been paid or if there has ever been a similar injury, any similar future injury or exacerbation is dismissed as it is "apportioned" to the old injury so that no new compensation has to be given.  It is also an industry standard practice that the lowest possible level of compensation is set by the insurance company, and insurance adjusters receive bonuses for how much lower they settle.  Insurance attorneys are also "audited" periodically and when they are not saving enough money for the insurance company, so they also seek to save money for the insurance company above all else or lose their lucrative insurance contracts. 

The Workers' Compensation system is set up more to save money for the insurance company than to treat and compensate injured workers.  Obamacare is set up in the same way, with little regard for the healthcare needs of the patient but instead with overwhelming regard for the federal government.  Obamacare makes it a crime punishable by a garnished tax-penalty to opt out (except with Christian health shares), and this without due process.  The Obamacare system makes healthcare decisions subject to review by administrators wherein patients are "economic units" (read the Act), the decision to withhold healthcare based on saving money and denying the inherent worth of the individual human being.  Both systems are Socialist/Communist/Marxists systems that treat the individual as simply just another cog in the wheel to be used and then thrown away.  Both systems deny the basic fundamentals of our government, that the individual has inherent, God-given (NOT government-given) rights to be respected by the government, that the federal government is to be severely limited, and that the government is to be by and for the People through their several states, not federally mandated!  Both the Workers' Compensation and the Patient Protections and Affordable Healthcare Act  (Obamacare) need to be repealed and replaced with more constitutionally-sound systems.  As a representative of the people and in accordance with your oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution, that is your job.  Do your job.