write to Congress before it's too late.
Senator/Representative/President Trump:
United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, is set up to protect
inherent God-given (Not government-given) individual rights including life,
liberty, the pursuit of happiness, freedom of religion, freedom of speech,
freedom from government tyranny, intrusion, surveillance and confiscation
without proving probable cause, due process, etc. The New World Order ("NWO") is
meant to replace the "old world order" of Christianity, of morality
and ethics, God-given individual rights and dignity. The NWO is based on mammon, on money as the
only and ultimate bottom line, and human worth is seen only from a person's
ability to generate money. The NWO being
facilitated through the United Nation's Agenda 21 plan (See
http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/spec/aress19-2.htm) is a system wherein
human beings are reduced to "economic units." Under this Marxist-style regime, a person's
worth – and thus entitlement to all benefits/privileges controlled by the
government – is wholly dependent upon how much that person contributes to the
government via taxes and to the global economy.
NWO calls for one worldwide government, one worldwide currency, one worldwide
economy, and one worldwide religion which takes bits and pieces from all known
religions. The NWO will be the synthesis
of all the cults and organizations which have world domination goals. The Muslim Brotherhood's global jihad (It's
factions being Al Quada, Isis, etc., etc., etc.) seek to rule world through
Sharia law, which enforces Islamic principles in the Qur'an and Sunnah, such as
Muslim privilege and superiority. The
Mormon church seeks to have a Mormon President and make the United States a
Mormon-friendly society. The luciferians
seek personal power and authority over the masses through spiritual
bondage. Communism/Socialism/Marxism
seeks to control the word's finances.
Freemasonry seeks to rule the infrastructures of society. The NWO would unite these and other groups in
world domination under one inclusive system. No longer would there be nations, states,
societies, cities, villages, and individual families. There would be the worldwide government.
Consisting of the governmental elites, the government enforcers and the
unite all the nations in this NWO, they must first be conquered, taken over, re‑established,
re‑oriented. Because the United States
is a democratic republic, we have the rule of law with a foundation of the
Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. The NWO cannot merely be "voted in,"
as the NWO is in direct opposition to the United States Constitution. For the NWO to non-violently take over the
United States, the United States would have to be first: Economically drained (e.g., by treaty such as
NAFTA, TPPA); militarily picked off (e.g., a decade-long war); spiritually
corrupted (e.g., rebellion against God making us male and female); legally
compromised (e.g., unconstitutional governmental agency law); and suppressed by
law enforcement (See https://www.perpetuallineup.org/) until the United States
Constitution became moot.
would the United States Constitution become moot as the basic legal
authority? The Constitution is simply
gone around, bypassed, loop holed until it is irrelevant. The President takes his pen and makes himself
king through Executive Orders and gives himself czars as heads of Federal
Government agencies and judges who answer only to the President (e.g., Homeland
Security. See
https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2012/10/26/executive-order-establishing-white-house-homeland-security-partnership-c). Federal governmental agencies make unconstitutional
agency law. Federal governmental
agencies arm themselves to enforce unconstitutional agency law (e.g.,
stockpiling ammunition). Judge czars
make laws to change societal orientation in separate, independent court systems
(e.g., Veteran's courts). The President
sends his czars to sign global treaties handing over our constitutional rights
(e.g., Secretary of State John Kerry signing the Small Arms Treaty). The people are presumed too busy with their
idols of sports and entertainment and sex and drugs and are too uneducated to
stand up for their own God‑given rights.
Then, false flags are raised (e.g., race wars and terrorist attacks),
and the United Nations, Russian, and Chinese troops are invited in to keep the
"peace" and, the United States Constitution is moot.
course, part of the infrastructure for trivializing the United States
Constitution is already in place.
Constitutional law has been replaced with unconstitutional governmental
agency law. For example, the workers'
compensation system was recently modified to be more in line with the NWO. The workers' compensation system does not
follow U.S. personal injury law, such as the doctrine that pain and suffering
is compensable. The workers'
compensation system covers workers even when they are working here illegally
and perhaps not even paying into the system.
The workers' compensation is a closed system, separate from and the
future of American Jurisprudence.
compensation is a governmental program which was written by and is run by
insurance companies for the benefit of insurance companies in order to require
premiums, limit payouts, and protect profits.
The insurance companies which facilitate workers' compensation are, in
effect, granted governmental status and power and protections. Indeed, the (Independent) workers' compensation
courts are even called Workers' Compensation Appeals Boards. Appeals from
what? The insurance companies'
determinations. To begin with, insurance
companies control the medical care from the onset, a clear conflict of
interest, deciding which treatment is authorized, which doctors are used,
controlling how much those doctors are paid, deposing them or dropping them
when they give unfavorable (to the insurance companies) medical reports,
etc. Those doctors who continually
oppose coercion from insurance companies are brought up on charges alleging
defrauding the workers' compensation system for "unnecessary and
unreasonable" medical treatment.
There is no physician accountability, except to the insurance company,
and no second opinions or oversight outside the system are allowed.
compensation was initially billed as protecting the economy by helping
businesses take care of workers injured on the job. However, it is in actuality a
Communist/Marxist system whereby the "human" factors such as pain and
suffering, psychological injury, disturbed sleep, loss of consortium, etc., are
not compensable. Whereby treatment is
capped at 104 weeks, regardless of the type of injury and individual
constitutional differences. Whereby
apportionment to "pre-existing" conditions such as age and any other
illness and old injuries or old (settled) workers' compensation claims preclude
new injuries from being reasonably compensated, and new injuries can be
attributed to past injuries/conditions.
Whereby so may technicalities are built into the system that the
insurance company is more protected than the injured worker. For example, an unfavorable doctor's report
being deemed a lack of substantial medical evidence because a minor detail was
not addressed. Whereby the American
Medical Association (AMA) Guides dictate unreasonable and minimal standards of
disability such as reduced shoulder range of motion and grip strength deemed
not related. Whereby "permanent
disability" for a permanent injury causing permanent impairment is merely
a capped amount of weeks of a reduced rate of wage. It is doled out weekly and then deducted from
any preset by percentage settlement sums.
Thus, there is no real calculation for how a permanent injury effects a
person's future. Whereby the insurance
company goal is a "compromise and release" wherein the injured worker
is given a little bit of money in lieu of all future medical care and
compensation for compensable consequences (Such as worsening conditions),
and the worker "voluntarily resigns" if they want a timely settlement. Whereby benefits can be withheld for 3 months
for "investigation" which gives more leverage to settle a claim where
the injured worker cannot work because of work-related injuries, so either
bills pile up, or the worker is denied medical treatment, and the person
becomes indigent. Whereby attorneys can
only take attorney's fees of 15 percent (Instead of the personal injury
contingency or 33 percent), which is in accord with the mandated lower
settlements, but it means that workers' compensation attorneys are those
willing to make half what other attorneys make.
Therefore, workers' compensation attorneys are pressured to accept
low/minimal (Declared "reasonable" by the insurance companies)
settlements and are unwilling to fight the insurance company lawyers. Whereby most settlements require a
"voluntary resignation. In summary,
the workers' compensation system is a system in which a worker is used up,
injured, given a pittance, and thrown away.
Workers are merely cogs in the wheel, worker slaves
in federal Obamacare, the human person is legally defined as an "economic
unit," and administrative panels decide medical treatment based on
economic potential. Thus, the medical treatment given depends on
the economic unit's ability to earn money.
For example, the Social Security retirement age has been increased to
age 75 which corresponds to Obamacare's mandate that those over age 75 will
ONLY receive "comfort care."
That means those over 75, because they are not considered able to work,
will only receive pain medication, not surgery, not therapy, not medical care. Eventually, there will be a mandate for
euthanasia. Another aspect of Obamacare
is that illegal aliens and "those whose religion prohibits usury"
(Islam) cannot be denied healthcare, yet those two groups are exempt
from paying for Obamacare. It is there
to be seen in the Obamacare Act (See http://housedocs.house.gov/energycommerce/ppacacon.pdf).
the meantime, children of the NWO will be conditioned by Common Core (See
rejectcommoncore.weebly.com) to serve the government and global companies. For example, under Common Core, children are
not taught conventional math, but conditioned to accept the values placed on any object or
intangible or math formula by the system.
Even in the very basic kindergarten Common Core math books, counting is
not the main focus so much as how one commodity (e.g., one slice of pizza) is deemed
worth more than another (e.g., one apple).
Children are not taught basic math formulas in Common Core, but
are given bogus and round-about ways of calculating, and it is the means rather
than the end result (i.e., the right answer) that is stressed as
important. Individuality and independent
thinking is not fostered under Common Core conditioning and such subjects as
art and creative writing are banished.
Under Common Core, the curriculum is based on what the global economy
needs at the time. So, for example,
computer skills are highly valued in some industries, so those showing an
aptitude for such work are ear marked early and put on the fast track, while
others are conditioned to be drone slaves and relatively ignored. This global system has been imposed upon us
by Federal Government overreach, as the United States Constitution vests
education to the States.
insidious NWO infrastructure has been built up to replace the United States
Constitution by the very people whose oath of office was meant to prevent such
treason: Legislators, judges, even presidents.
We the People, the simple majority of which are still Christian, started
to wake up to the boiling water and voted in the opposition. We are looking to you for action. Live up to your oath of office to "PRESERVE, protect, and defend the
United States Constitution" and impeach and prosecute traitors in office
and restore the United States Constitution as the supreme law of the land by
repealing/striking down, via legislation, any and all government agency regulations,
Executive Orders, and laws in opposition to the United States
Constitution. Now.